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Almanac – Torrid Zone

June 28th, 2012

This week’s Almanac entry is the Torrid Zone – the region of Corthis at the equator. It is hot, hot, hot, and directly under the sun. It was once believed to be uninhabitable, but several great civilizations have proven that theory wrong. Explorers are still looking for those legendary giants though.



    Shiny! I’m in lust already.


    The story of what became of the polar giants is the subject of our next graphic novel after Snow by Night. It is set in a country based on Wales, and features ancient secrets, inscrutable druids, and capricious fey.


    Now see, that’s FASCINATING. Of course legends get the facts wrong, but generally they make the truth poetic or inflate it; my (not so) inner geek is dying to know how reality was outright inverted.

    My current theory, based on zero actual information: there is a polar civilization of giants (certainly very old, perhaps it has not survived) which during an era of expansion had explorers or perhaps even an outpost in the Tropics, where they were discovered by humans.


    Alas for no giants.


      Not in the Torrid Zone, at least. Philosophers have noted that animals tend to get smaller the closer to the Tropics you get. So giants are more likely to live in the far north.

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