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Almanac – Seigneur

August 31st, 2012

This week’s Almanac entry is the Seigneur. Since so much of the action in this and the past chapter has centered around the manse of the Seigneur de Foucault, I wanted to talk a little bit about the “nobles” of Aradie. Yes, nobles is in quotes, because the nobility of Saronne would not consider them nobles at all.

I also have some good news and some bad news. The bad news first. Half of my staff is down in Atlanta attending DragonCon. If you are going and bump into them, please say hello. They’ll be the two artists flinging paint at people. Watch out. Naty kicks. Anyway, I will need to evoke the holiday clause for Labor Day. We will not be posting a page update on Monday. My apologies for any inconvenience. But we’ll have a fresh new page on Wednesday, and maybe something more, which brings me to the good news.

The good news! Diane is very close to having the store ready to roll. We’ll be putting the final touches on it over Labor Day weekend and we hope to have it up next week. Once that is up, you can order books, prints, and buttons. No more waiting for us to come to a convention near you. The store is pretty slick looking. Diane did a great job with it. I think you’ll like it.


    Scott M

    …Are you sure there’s a Seigneur entry? If there was, it’s no longer at that link.


    Those were adds for Macys.
    Enjoy the convention you artist types!


    Gasp! A weekend off? How dare-

    Yeah, never mind. Enjoy the con, folks who are there, and enjoy a little extra time those who aren’t.

    Also, am I the only one who remembers the old Target (I think) ads featuring the obsessed lady who stands outside the store with her nose to the glass all night chanting “Open. Open. Open. Open.”?

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