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Almanac – 17th Century

January 10th, 2013

This week’s almanac entry is the 17th Century. More accurately, it’s an update to the historical timeline where I’m adding a lot of entries for the 17th century. Lots of wars in this century as the colonial powers go at each other. This won’t be the last update to the timeline. I’ll add to it as the story continues. One thing I really want to expand is the dates for important events with the native tribes. Lots of things are happening in Everique just like lots of things were happening in North America at this time as well.

We have a convention coming up soon. We’re venturing across the Appalachians to Columbus, Ohio on Jan. 18-20 for Ohayocon. Come by and see us if you can.



    Speaking of being overly picky:
    1548 Sherbourg is settled for the third time, or resettled for the second;
    1494 there’s no contextualization of Jaquet d’Artais, perhaps a synopsis or a link to his page?
    1631/33 Sherbourg and Aradie seem to be used interchangeably.

    Also Eric, have you read Mark Kurlansky’s metahistory Cod? I’m reminded by the early 15th century.

    Before I post this, I feel that I should mention that I’m finding (perceived) flaws because I’m reading with great interest, enjoyment, and care.


      Thank you for the suggestions, Greg. I’ll look them over carefully and talk to Diane about implementing any changes. I’ll probably link to Jaquet’s page, as well as linking to other pages for other entires, because a timeline is by nature cursory. Full synopsis of a person, place, or thing should go elsewhere in the Almanac (which would just be a click away).

      I have not read Kurlansky’s book on Cod. I agree with the premise though. It is the fish that changed the world.

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