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A Farewell and a Hello

December 6th, 2010

Our Webmaster, Shawn Peirce, has done great work in setting up our website and giving us an excellent foundation to start our tale. However, he is leaving the Snow by Night project and pursuing other opportunities. Please join me in wishing him the best in the future.

I have asked Diane Hazlett to take over webmastering duties. Diane has an excellent skill set that is perfect for this position, and she has grand designs for this website.  We’ll be rolling those out later this month. For now, let me introduce her properly:

Diane Hazlett


Diane is a long-time Internet lurker with a memory best described as “a pile of loose Post-It notes that fall out of her head every time she sticks a new one in there.” Despite that, she has a passion for learning and spends most of her free time reading articles, debates, or fiction of various genres. Every weekend she attends one of many ongoing RPG campaigns, usually in the Dungeons & Dragons setting, which has captivated her interest since she first joined her father’s 2e home campaign at age nine. Around the same time, her obsession with Pokemon led to a Neopets addiction, where she dove headfirst into HTML/CSS coding in order to craft sites for her beloved pixel friends, and has been teaching herself IT through trial and error ever since. Her idol and favorite storyteller is Watase Yuu, an internationally famous Japanese manga-ka, whom she dreams of someday meeting. Until then, she is attending Western Governors University full-time, working as an Executive Assistant part-time, and slowly worming her way onto the Snow by Night team through sheer fangirl determination.

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