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Almanac – Onyara Falls

June 20th, 2013

This week’s Almanac entry is the Onyara Falls. This set of three waterfalls drains the Upper Country of Everique and is one of the most majestic natural wonders in all of Corthis. Naturally, any place like this is bound to have a few legends associated with it. And maybe a manitou or three.

I leave town tomorrow for vacation and a trip to England! Woooooo. Diane and Brittany will be filling in for me. The pages for the vignette are all done so they should go up on schedule. However, this is the last Almanac entry until July 12. Diane has volunteered to prepare something special for you while I’m away. I’m not sure what it is, but there was a lot of cackling.

1 Comment

    Christopher Bischoff

    ADORE this! The fleshing out of this World is wonderful to watch. Continue!

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