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Almanac – Fish Trade

August 29th, 2013

This week’s Almanac Entry is the Fish Trade. The bountiful fishing is what first brought sailors to the shores off Everique. It’s prompted wars, migration, and created a new culture. As always, click on the image above to be taken to the full entry in the almanac.

Brittany is off to DragonCon. She’s not vending. This is her fun convention. Between that and Labor Day, we will not be posting a page on Monday. Happy Labor Day everyone. Enjoy the end of Summer!



    I have to say, I love the way you’ve fleshed out your history so that the colonial development makes sense, in a “not quite our world” kind of way. Your combination of economics and politics is something prospective world builders can learn from.


    I think there’s a typo in the last paragraph (not in the preview, but in the full entry). ‘m,tis’?

    “Their descendants, the m‚tis, still live on the islands in a culture that blends Saronnan and Maniquois traditions.”

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