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This week’s almanac entry is the University of Sherbourg. I was meaning to upload this one when Blaise visited Antoine in the previous scene, but Québec happened. Turns out it was a good thing. I got a lot more ideas for the almanac while touring the city, including a few for the university. Our university is modeled off of the Séminaire de Quebec, which has a beautiful building.

For the print volume (which would include Chapters 5-8), I’m thinking about  including a section on “The Secrets of Corthis” which would discuss many of the secrets that lurk behind the mostly benign entries of the Almanac.These secrets would not have any spoilers, but would shed light on some of the more seedy, secretive, or supernatural aspects of Corthis. Would this be of interest to people?



    I would definitely be interested in more background lore about Corthis. I’m an absolute sucker for detailed worldbuilding.


    Definitely put extras in the print version to get the punters to buy it. And combining the chapters into a single book is a good idea. How about a matching volume for Chapters 1 to 4? Or will you do a single volume for the entire story once it is finished?


      I fully intend to have a matching volume for Chapters 1-4 once I get all these Chapter books sold off. This might take awhile since I have many hundreds of chapters to go. Ultimately, I envision Snow by Night being six volumes for a total of 24 chapters.


    You have my interest.

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