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Almanac – Matter Part 1

January 17th, 2014

Matter is the matter of today’s Almanac Entry, as I discussĀ matter from an Alchemical point of view. As can be seen by the characteristics that the Alchemists chose for describing matter, their view of what was important is significantly different than real world scientists. I’ll continue the discussion of matter next week when I address the elusive Primal Matter.



    The “Latest Almanac” still shows the Square of Opposition.


      Clear your cache or refresh a few times. You’ll get the new image.


        “Refresh” I understand, but this is a use of “cache” I don’t follow. Thankfully, my wife is tech-savvy.

        I can trouble-shoot a dual-conveyor resaw and set a jointer outfeed table to take off half a pencil line’s thickness though, so I don’t feel TOO bad. ;-)

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