Vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics

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Chapter 15 Page 19

June 19th, 2017

Chapter 15 Page 19

Pieter begins his observation of Snow-by-Night and Toothy Kit wants in on the investigation. Will Pieter be getting a lab assistant? Will the vote incentive for voting for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics help? All these things are answered with “Maybe!”

Steph and I had a great time at AwesomeCon! My thanks to everyone who stopped by the table, chatted, and bought books and prints. We’re looking forward to going back next year!

Denver Comic Con is on the horizon!


    Falling Star

    does that make her a crystal gem


    Amethyst eyes? Guess this means she won’t get drunk. ;-)


    I really like the dialogue in the last panel. Pieter is my kind of guy.


    Oh, wonder how training to be a ‘Wisdom’ is going to fit in with knowledge of Science and Alchemy? This could be a big opportunity for Toothy Kit to move the Liranequois into the modern world (Defiant Elk’s already taken the first steps) or a major disaster in the making. Or possibly both.


    Cool! I like Snow being friendly a lot more than being angry. Or… maybe friendly isn’t the right word. Tolerant. Yeah. :P

    Also, I’m having a bit of a hard time figuring out what it is that’s in the foreground of that last panel. I see what appears to be a stone column, even though I don’t see the same column in the first panel, at least, not without a wall attached to it. And then the orange crystals with a chain attached make it seem like those scrolls below are QUITE far below. Are we looking at the scene through the window shown in panel 1? And there’s a bookcase or shelf below with the scrolls on the top of it?


      The column: look at page 9 of the chapter, there are several columns supporting gears.


        Oh I see it now! They are on the second (or third) floor and I can even see the floor end where it’s the big cut-out part in the middle to make room for gears, and the cut-out part is where I can see those scrolls through, down to the lower floor! That’s why they look so small/far away! Thanks! :D

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