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Chapter 16 Page 22

December 22nd, 2017

Chapter 16 Page 22

Happy Holidays everyone! To celebrate the season have a bonus page! And what a page it is! I’ve been sitting on this one since… Chapter 2 Page 5 which was posted waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in July 2011. So 6 and a half years and 14 chapters ago. Yeah, we’re a long-form comic. If you need a refresher on who this is, read A Berry from the Sun.

Please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics! When you do, you get to see a lady and her wolf. ;-)

We’re going on Winter break next week. Our next update is January 8. We’ll pick up with the adventures of Viv in the spirit cave then. See you all then!



    So i’m gonna assume sings-to-moon’s mask was crafted into the stock of the gun?

      That’s a reasonable assumption. It will be addressed in the story. Including how it got there.


        When did Cienan pass along the rifle? I’ve been trying to find a mention of the gift in previous chapters, but it appears to have been given off-screen during Vivienne’s soiree back in “The Vault,” or at least commenters before that point mention it as still being in Cienan’s possession.


    If Snow is a manitou who wants a heart, look to the animal manitous for some guidance. Take on a village/nation, for instance–link up with a spirit walker. She could do worse. If she has the courage, how about a couple of nations, or a continent in dire need of learning about diversity?


    Great page.
    Also, Merry Christmas!!


    I wonder about the traits of an earth spirit. Stalwart? Unchanging? Stubborn and unyielding?


    Oh! Vivi got a pokemon of her own! The rarest one!

    Thanks for the Christmas miracle update, as well. :)


    Typical. You wait ages for a manitou and then two show up at once.


    I’m sooo tempted to make a Transformers joke right now………


    Earlier Cienan told Mathilde that a friend gave him the mask to be delivered to someone who can use it. Now it looks like this mysterious friend is Sings-to-Moon.


    So now Vivianne becomes the spirit walker for a manitou wolf? Somehow that seems oddly…. appropriate!

    Also, does that mean that they is gonna lock Jassart here in the spirit cave? Please say yes!!!!


    I. LOVE. HIM.
    Also, I’m actually a little lost and probably need to archive-dive again. When did she hear Sings-to-Moon before?

      A Berry from the Sun. I’ll add that to the journal entry.


        Oh, thank you!! I refreshed the page and saw you put that link and thought that I had missed it and was about to feel dumb for asking before reading the journal, hehe.


      Oh, jeez. I meant “HER.” Whoops. I really did forget who Sing-to-Moon was, 100%!

        The gender for manitou isn’t the firmly set. Snow seems to be an exception. She also takes a humanoid form.

        I should have put the link into the journal from the start. That was back in 2015. I can’t expect readers to remember things from 2.5 years ago. But this is the advantage of webcomics. I can link back in the journal to help jog memories.


      It was page 18 of this chapter, the voice warning her to run away from Talon.


        I see, thank you! I thought, back then, that since we had not seen that color of text before, that those word bubbles were actually Viv’s thinking to herself.


    No way! Cienan introduced a literal Chekhov gun?!
    Is anything going around not part of his plan?

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