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Enduring Earth Page 4

February 21st, 2018

Enduring Earth Page 4

Like Snow-by-Night, Sings-to-Moon does not understand emotion very well. Especially those emotions dealing with empathy. Vivienne has no trouble feeling those emotions as you can see when you vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics!

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    Sturzkampf, thanks so much for the post.Much thanks again. Really Cool.

    Basbo Bibbins

    Welp, it’s official.
    I wanna hug and snuggle Sings-to-Moon, he’s(?) too damn cute in panel 4.


    Spirits have no hearts, it is known. But, perhaps they are not always cruel? We know little of the characteristics of earth, after all.

    Introverted Chaos

    Ooh… maybe Sings-to-Moon knows a way to get Jacqui a cool spirit-hand!
    Regardless, I hope this is a learning experience for our girl Viv.


    Now we see if Sings-to-the-Moon has any more of a heart than Snow-by-Night.

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