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Chapter 13 Page 10

June 13th, 2016

Defiant Elk speaks with Distant Smoke on Chapter 13, Page 10. Grandma runs this town. She does it through the soft power of advice, relationships, and respect. This style of leadership works well for small communities and is intensely personal. A less capable grandma could spell disaster for the community.

In Chapter 14, we’ll see some of the power dynamics in Sherbourg. Things don’t run as smoothly there. However, its power structure is based on law, tradition, and institutions. A weak leader is not as detrimental to the entire community, as the society has other forms of support. There are always trade offs in governmental structures, and it’s not one-size-fits-all.

You can see Toothy Kit’s reaction to hearing about Grandma’s decision when you vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

Steph and I are attending Denver Comic Con this coming weekend! We’re very excited to head out west from our Northeastern Woodlands to the Wall of the West!


Chapter 13 Page 7

April 18th, 2016

A cocoon for a faerie hangs in the shrine on Chapter 13 Page 7. What sort of butterfly will emerge? I promise an answer before I end the chapter, but for now Pénélope must remain swathed in silk.

That’s the end of scene 1 for Chapter 13. On Wednesday, I’m switching over to the Chapter 12 vignette, which is now mostly done. This vignette is titled Serpents in the Water and is illustrated by Cindy Mirabile. We get to meet a new nationality in this vignette — the Morantines, Saronne’s arch-rival. We’ll find out what they’re up to soon enough.  You can see a sample of Cindy’s art when you vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

So what does Snow by Night have in common with George R.R. Martin? We both will be attending Balticon in Baltimore over Memorial Day weekend! After you see the author of a Song of Ice and Fire, you can come find me at Table 22 in the Artist Alley. I’m really looking forward to this show.


Chapter 12 Page 23

March 2nd, 2016

Jassart tries to fight a shadow with with shadow on Chapter 12 Page 23. But Pénélope is fast and gives Jassart a haircut. Maybe she doesn’t like his hair either? Vote to see a preview of the next page.

Some convention updates. Snow by Night will be attending at least three conventions this summer — Balticon (a cool literary convention with George RR Martin as a guest), Denver Comic Con (our first trip that far west), and GenCon (my favorite gaming convention).


Chapter 12 Page 18

February 15th, 2016

We’re back from KatsuCon, and I brought home a cold. And snow. Fortunately, the snow held off until today. Leaving Katsu on Sunday with 3-5 inches of snow on the ground would have been interesting.

Thanks to all your help with the lock, Jassart is able to open the vault door on Chapter 12, Page 18. You are all now partially responsible for what happens next. ;-)

We reordered the pages a bit. This page was grouped with the final scene of the chapter, but in editing, it made more sense to move it here. So the preview on Top Web Comics is the same as last time. If you haven’t seen it yet, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.



Chapter 12 Page 17

February 8th, 2016

Jassart finds the Vault on Chapter 12, Page 17. Unfortunately, it’s locked. And locked in an unconventional way.

Wednesday’s update is my surprise that we’ve been working on. I can’t wait to share it with you. (Evil laugh) No almanac  update on Friday as I’ll be at Katsucon (see below). The next page on Monday is a scene shift. Guess who makes an appearance? To see, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

KATSUCON this weekend! This is a fun convention. I particularly like how it’s a 20 minute drive away. Diane and I will be there at the Snow by Night table (G12). Steph (E17) and Julie (O11 in the Dealers hall) will be there too. If you liked Kristin’s artwork from the most recent vignette, she’ll be at table D10. Come by and say hello!


Chapter 12 Page 16

February 3rd, 2016

Jassart comes across a creepy chapel on Chapter 12 Page 16. What do those statues mean? What’s with the paintings? What is Cienan in to? So many questions! Jassart makes another discovery next week. Vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics to see what it is.

It’s Valentines Day in Washington so that means Snow by Night will be at KatsuCon on Feb. 12-14.


No Almanac update this week as I’m working with Diane on something top secret to share with you next week. I think you’re going to like it. I’m really pleased with how it’s turning out.





The Tree of War Page 5

October 30th, 2015

The Peacemaker faces a lethal test put forward by the Kahne’aké on Page 5 of The Peacemaker and the Tree of War.

While reading several versions of the Haundenosaunee legend that inspired this vignette, I was wondering why they gave a suicidal test. And I think the answer is to show bravery in the face of death. The people followed several customs  in this era where courage was valued more than life. Courage in the face of danger was widely respected even if the cause was hopeless and death the inevitable end. So the sachem at this point in the story is saying “Put up, or shut up.” The Peacemaker chose to Put Up when everyone expected him to Shut Up. This wins him a lot of integrity points and allows him to take control of the situation.

Next weekend, Steph and I will be at one of my favorite conventions of the year — Nekocon! I do so love this convention. It’s the perfect size, easy to get to, and the attendees are fantastic. We’ll be bringing the recently released Volume 2 books as well as the Volume 1 chapter books. Come see us!


Chapter 11 Page 8

July 28th, 2015

Behold Tionnontego on Chapter 11 Page 8. I was thinking of spelling it as Tion’non’tego because there are glottal stops at the end of each syllable, but it made the word even longer and more difficult to fit into speech balloons.

Kit is being cute in the vote incentive when on Top Web Comics. We leave for GenCon tomorrow morning early. No Almanac this week, but a page on Monday. Have a great weekend!