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Almanac – Astronomy

September 29th, 2011

This week’s Almanac entry is Astronomy, the study of the ethereal heavens above Corthis. There is quite a bit to it so this is coming in installments. We’ll begin with the stars and why they command the imagination of the people of Corthis.

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Chapter 2 Page 23

September 27th, 2011

Chapter 2 Page 23 is up. The chase is on! Parkour through the museum.

If you’re coming to Snow by Night from Rich Burlew’s Order of the Stick page, welcome! I had the opportunity to meet Rich through the RPGA when I was a judge at conventions for Wizards of the Coast. I’m a huge fan of Order of the Stick, and I’m glad to be able to financially support his site through the advertising. I hope you enjoy this tale of colonial fantasy. Thank you for visiting.

On a different topic, I uploaded a new incentive for votes on Top Web Comics. Give us a vote if you want to see a preview of the next page.


Chapter 2 Page 22

September 25th, 2011

Chapter 2 Page 22 is up. Blaise and Jassart get the shock of their lives.

For a preview of Wednesday’s page, be sure to vote for us on Top Web Comics.


Almanac – 15th Century Timeline

September 23rd, 2011

For this week’s Almanac entry, I’m adding the timeline from the 15th Century. The history section of the Almanac needs a little love so we’re reformatting it as a single timeline instead giving each century its own page. That might happen in time, but for now I thought this was easier to understand.

The 15th Century was an exciting time in Corthis. A navigator from the Freeports of the Kennard Reach sailed the Livian Ocean and discovered an entire new continent, which kicked off the Age of Discovery. The many voyages of this century set the stage of the colonial expeditions of the next century. But that’s another entry.


Chapter 2 Page 21

September 20th, 2011

Almanac Reference: Sacre

Chapter 2 Page 21 is up. Blaise and Jassart caught the thief! Hurray for nets!

Ah, Intervention. It’s been three days and I’m still trying to recover (Part of that is the looming deadline with Wizards of the Coast). The convention is still very very new (in its second year) so attendance was a bit on the low side, but the number of artists and creators there was astounding. Just a small sampling of some of the amazing talented artists present: Travis Surber from Hainted Holler, Jen Zyren Smith from LaSalle’s Legacy, Eren and Kennedy from Tamuran, Megami from Annie, Robyn from Technoangel, Phil Kahn and T Campbel from Guilded Age, Tovias from Reality Amuck, and my arch nemesis Elaine Corvidae from Riven Sol. I also spoke on three different panels. I had signed up for two and got drafted onto the third. On those panels, I got sit alongside webcomic greats such as Pete Abrams from Sluggy Freelance and Mookie, the creator of Dominic Deegan. Man, it was an awesome time. I’m looking forward to going next year.

I’m loading pictures from Intervention onto our Facebook page. Check us out over there when you get a chance. Most of them are pure silliness. I stole Jen Zyren Smith’s stuffed weasel and took it around to all the different web comics in the dealers rooms and got pictures of him at each table.

Oh, and for some great expressions from next week’s pages, be sure to vote for us on Top Web Comics.


Chapter 2 Page 20

September 18th, 2011

Chapter 2 Page 20 is up. Blaise and Jassart caught the wrong thief. Oops.

Brittany and I are back from Intervention. It was a great time. I’ll have a con report up on Wednesday. Until then, we have a new preview as the vote incentive on Top Web Comics.


Almanac – Updated Format

September 15th, 2011

This week’s Almanac entry is an updated format. Diane and I (mostly Diane) have updated the format of the almanac to include graphics of books for each of the major topics. The subtopics are listed below each of the books. We have also included a Return to the Shelves link at the bottom of each subject page. It is our hope that this will make the Almanac easier to navigate.

Brittany and I are off to Intervention tomorrow. Come by and see us. We’ve got free buttons! (And some pretty awesome buttons for sale). We’re at table 44. You can find us on this handy-dandy map of the vendor’s room.

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Chapter 2 Page 19

September 13th, 2011

Almanac References: Howling Jay, Ouache, Peste, Sacre

Chapter 2 Page 19 is up. Blaise and Jassart catch their thief. Boy, that was quick. I guess we can all go join Blaise for a round at the Harp.

Brittany and I are off to Intervention on Friday. I’ll get the Almanac update posted before I leave. The show is looking to be a great one. If you’re in Maryland, Virginia, or DC, you really should come by.