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Almanac – Gambling Hells

October 11th, 2012

Thank you all so much for the feedback. I’m going to discuss with Naty and Brittany what we should do, but I’m seeing a strong preference for fan art, concept art, and almanac entries. I am considering making the pencils the vote incentive on Top Web Comic for future pages. Which would y’all (Yeah, I’m southern. English needs a plural form of you.) prefer? A preview panel of the next page or Britt’s pencils of the current page, complete with her commentary?

Speaking of Almanac entries, with the reappearance of Laurent I wanted to talk a bit more about gambling hells, since he is a frequent denizen. They’re dens of iniquity, even more so than the saloons like the Harp & Trumpet.


Chapter 5 Page 13

October 9th, 2012

Almanac Reference: Belle

Mathilde saves the boy’s bacon in Chapter 5 Page 13. Or does she….Dun, dun, DUUUUN! Laurent is up to something, I know it! I don’t like his shifty eyes….

Hi. It’s Naty. I’m sick and a wee bit delirious. You may have heard I have Mono. Some of you are cringing in sympathy, and some of you are scratching your heads wondering what the big deal is.
Mono is a virus, which means I can’t do anything but rest and drink fluids during it’s unfortunately long run time of 4-6 weeks. Its most notorious and lingering symptoms after the fever, aches, chills, and nausea…..ugh nausea….are fatigue and loss of appetite. The week we went off the air I was so nauseated I couldn’t sleep. Anti-nausea pills are MAGIC. Not that I want to eat anything, but I could if I wanted to now. But I’m just too tired to eat. I’m too tired to do anything. I am so incredibly tired, you guys, I went to the store for toiletry essentials and it felt like I hiked up a mountain to get there. The few items in my hand basket felt like lead weights and I wasn’t entirely sure I was going to be able to leave the store with them without assistance. Everyday things are a struggle, including coloring Snow by Night. Now that my fever is gone and I have magic pills to ward of the nausea, I’m trying to color again, but I feel like a turtle. So I ask on behalf of the team for everyone to please be patient with us while I recover from Mono. I will do my best to meet our usual update schedule, but If I can’t do it, I just can’t do it.

As an aside, I totally win for worst Con Crud this year because the incubation time for Mono is long and because all my troubles started exactly on Oct 1st means I picked it up at Dragon Con. Luuulz.


Diane here, popping in to add a few notes. First off, I’m so excited for the build up that’s happening on this page… You can tell we’re headed somewhere with Laurent (and that he wasn’t just a joke!). To see where exactly the boys are headed, check out our sneak peek at Top Web Comics.

Because of Naty’s sickness, I’d like to extend an offer to our readers asking for more fanart! We’re always happy to see it, and in the event that we can’t post a page, we really like having something to show you, regardless.

I also want to pose a question to you. If we can’t get a colored page done in time, would you prefer to see filler art (like sketches, or some of the bonus art we include in the chapter books), almanac entries, or simply the inked version of the pages, with the colored pages to be added as Naty completes them? Let us know in the comments!


Fan Art – Jen Zyren Smith

October 7th, 2012

Hello everyone. As you can see from the title for this post, our colorist isn’t back up to speed yet. She went to the hospital last Friday and was diagnosed with mono. Good times! So she’s started treatment and feeling better, but she hasn’t been able to finish a page for us. Instead, we have another art trade for you. This is Snow Dance by Jen Zyren Smith of LaSalle’s Legacy. Thank you, Jen. You’re a gem. Jen; Gem. It’s almost a rhyme. Regardless, please join me in wishing a speedy recovery to Naty. We’ll see what she can get done by Wednesday, but her health comes first.


The death-flu continues its rampage through Snow by Night. So no page today. Instead, I’ve got two new entries in the Alchemical Compounds — Arboreal Acid and Phoenix Oil. These two items appeared in Chapters 1 and 2, but never got an entry in the Almanac (for shame, Eric!). I also asked Diane to add in pictures of the items in action in the comic.

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Fan Art – Julie Wright

October 2nd, 2012

So the plague has swept through the virtual offices of Snow by Night. Diane, Brittany, and Naty have all come down with the death-flu. I suppose it was my own fault for making the curse term of choice in Sherbourg be “Peste,” which means plague. Anyway, please accept my apologies, but we don’t have a page for you today as Naty is just not able to focus to color. We’ll try to have the page up as our Friday update, but the death-flu is strong stuff. We might not have it ready until Monday. I’ll come up with something else on Friday if that happens.

Instead, we have a lovely piece of fan art from Julie Wright. She is the incredibly talented illustrator for Ianua and The Dreamer. We met her at Intervention and I was blown away by her talent (“Nothing funny. I just like talent.” [Gold star if you can name the quote source]). An art trade was in order, and she gave us this great picture of Jassart.


Chapter 5 Page 12

October 1st, 2012

Almanac References: Capon, Go fart in the Clover, Manse, Rook

Laurent makes his appearance at the Harp & Trumpet in Chapter 5 Page 12. What, you thought we were done with him? Oh no. Not by a long shot.

Our vote incentive today is a panel from Brittany’s pencils for page 13 where she makes some commentary in the panel borders. To see, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.