Chapter 11 Page 8
July 28th, 2015Behold Tionnontego on Chapter 11 Page 8. I was thinking of spelling it as Tion’non’tego because there are glottal stops at the end of each syllable, but it made the word even longer and more difficult to fit into speech balloons.
Kit is being cute in the vote incentive when on Top Web Comics. We leave for GenCon tomorrow morning early. No Almanac this week, but a page on Monday. Have a great weekend!
Chapter 11 Page 7
July 26th, 2015We’re home from Otakon! It was a great show. My thanks to everyone who stopped by. It was great to meet you all.
Blaise manages to stick his foot in his mouth on Chapter 11, Page 7. It only took him 5 pages to do it. To see a peek outside the medicine lodge for the first time, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.
GenCon is this weekend. It’s my favorite convention of the year. Of course, I’m a big gaming geek. I’ll be in the Author’s Avenue along with Steph of Final Arcanum. Come see me if you’re at the “4 Best Days in Gaming!”
Chapter 11 Page 6
July 21st, 2015Silly times are over on Chapter 11, Page 6. One of Blaise’s talents is knowing when to be quiet. To see a sneak peek of the next page, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.
Diane and I leave for Otakon on Thursday. We will have some preview books of Volume 2 with us and will be accepting pre-orders. Also, we’ll be participating in the Reverie Treasure Hunt. The prize is a sticker sheet of characters from our comics. Julie will be there too at the Riven Seal table. Come by. We’d love to see you.
No update on Friday. See you next Monday!
Chapter 11, Page 5
July 19th, 2015Time for introductions on Chapter 11, Page 5. The youngster has a name, Toothy Kit. But it’s Blaise who ends up being teased for his name. To see Blaise getting the glare that sees through your soul, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.
Otakon is in four days. I will not be around this Friday for an Almanac entry. I will be back to do a page update on Monday. If you’re coming to the con, you should participate in Reverie’s Treasure Hunt. Solve riddles; collect stamps; get a prize!
More good news! Print Ninja sent me some very nice photos of the book. I thought I’d share them with you. Enjoy!

Almanac – Medicine Lodge
July 16th, 2015This week’s Almanac entry is the Medicine Lodge. These small structures protect the rest of the community while those sick heal.
In other news, the book proofs arrived. They look beautiful. Ignore the goofy-looking redhead in the picture and focus on the lovely book.

Chapter 11 Page 4
July 14th, 2015Blaise continues to contend with the girl on Chapter 11 Page 4. And Blaise continues to be on the losing end of this conversation. To see who shows up on the next page, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.
Otakon is next week, and Reverie Comics has cooked up a special treat for you. There are six of us attending Otakon this year, and we’ve put together a Treasure Hunt. Get a clue card from us at the convention, solve the riddles, and collect the stamps. You can then turn them in for a prize. It’s going to be a lot of fun. Hope to see you there!
Chapter 11 Page 3
July 12th, 2015We journey south into the wilderness and pick up with Blaise on Chapter 11 Page 3. We’re going to be spending the rest of the chapter with him and his reluctant hosts. To see which of Blaise’s 5 senses is assault on the next page, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.
Otakon is a little over a week away!
Almanac – Carved Masks
July 9th, 2015This week’s Almanac entry is Carved Masks. These masks are not a theatre prop, but a connection to the spirit world for the natives of Everique. When they wear these masks, they become something more or something else entirely. So naturally, the colonists put them in museums.
So you all on Monday, and have a great weekend!