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Chapter 11 Page 12

August 11th, 2015

As was previously mentioned in the Journal, Eric’s on vacation for the next few updates, so it’s just me, Diane, here to update the comic. I’ll also be reviewing and responding to comments while he’s gone, as well as receiving all those awesome new Volume 2 books in the mail.

Our newest character, Defiant Elk, makes quite the first impression with Blaise on Chapter 11 Page 12. Toothy Kit’s edited translations continue to amuse me, though Blaise has other opinions. To see the Liranequois’ idea of ‘fixing things’, vote for Snow-by-Night on Top Web Comics.



    Did the native Americans really just speak in metaphor? because I love that!


      I noticed that trend when reading through transcriptions of the negotiations between the New York colonists and the Mohawk. The sachems would use the image of the covenant chain or blocked paths. Relationships were likened to that of family members. The Mohawk orators had a flair or the dramatic and loved evocative turns of phrase. The best colonial negotiators were those that were willing to embrace this style.


    He can prove his worth to them if they have anything for him to build.


    Awesome! Fixing things might earn him a little niche! :D Don’t think of him as another mouth to feed and take care of; think of him as another worker to help get stuff done.
    Anything to help out and prove he’s an aide instead of a hindrance and he just might be rewarded with a large clan of new friends in the long run.

    Stampers Saverem

    Love that GLARE!

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