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Chapter 11 Page 2

July 7th, 2015

Chapter 11 Page 2 begins with Vivienne and Jassart leaving the Harp & Trumpet after listening to the story told in the vignette A Berry from the Sun. Those of you who recognized the bird mask from Chapter 2, give yourselves gold stars! Jassart gets one too.

The rest of the chapter focuses on Blaise. To see what’s befallen him a week early, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

Some news this week. Otakon is rapidly approaching. Six members of Reverie Comics will be attending. We are planning a special challenge for everyone. I’ll tell you more about it soon when we have the final pieces finalized. Also, I got word from Print Ninja that Volume 2 is printed and is in the process of being shipped. I’ll be doing an update to the Kickstarter campaign tomorrow.



    Musica Nota

    I think this is the wrong page


    The firebird mask in the hands of those two? Oh, this is not going to be good.

    Stampers Saverem

    Well, D’UH, Jassart…

    Eric Munson

    Hmm… I must be forgetting the point where Cienan learned the mysterious thief was a manitou, or else Jassert is leaping to at least one conclusion…

    Yay for volume 2! Now I just have to decide what question I want the answer to :)


      Yes, I owe you one truthful answer. No hedging. I’ll send the answer privately. You may share or not as you wish.

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