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Chapter 13 Page 7

April 18th, 2016

A cocoon for a faerie hangs in the shrine on Chapter 13 Page 7. What sort of butterfly will emerge? I promise an answer before I end the chapter, but for now Pénélope must remain swathed in silk.

That’s the end of scene 1 for Chapter 13. On Wednesday, I’m switching over to the Chapter 12 vignette, which is now mostly done. This vignette is titled Serpents in the Water and is illustrated by Cindy Mirabile. We get to meet a new nationality in this vignette — the Morantines, Saronne’s arch-rival. We’ll find out what they’re up to soon enough.  You can see a sample of Cindy’s art when you vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

So what does Snow by Night have in common with George R.R. Martin? We both will be attending Balticon in Baltimore over Memorial Day weekend! After you see the author of a Song of Ice and Fire, you can come find me at Table 22 in the Artist Alley. I’m really looking forward to this show.


    Aeternus Doleo

    And so was born, the Queen of Blades, faerie edition?


    When I first read, “What does Snow by Night have to do with George R.R. Martin,” I thought, “OH NO.”

    And then you wrote “We’ll be at the same convention,” and I breathed a sigh of relief. ;)


      ♫ “‘And who are you,’ the proud lord said, ‘that I must bow so low?'” ♫
      *shot shot stabbed stabbed slashed stabbed stabbed shot shot* …and half of Snow-by-Night’s main cast is dead.

      That would be a bit traumatic, wouldn’t it? O_O

    Binge Reader

    (looks at voting incentive) Yaaay! Story time! Who’s bringing the popcorn?


    So is that substance he poured into that lantern akin to an egg timer? she emerges when it’s all evapourated?

    Falling Star

    Do not end up looking like me.

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