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Chapter 14 Page 26

January 30th, 2017

Chapter 14 Page 26

IT AWAKES! Will this be a problem for Jassart? See his reaction when you vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

A big applause to Philadelphus for predicting the dialogue on this page. That was amusingly on point. I got a huge chuckle out of it. It made my incision hurt, but totally worth it. Also, a tip of the hat to all of you who mentioned the proximity of fire as necessary. That’s part of the solution, but not all of it….

Since I now know I’m going to be around to travel this summer (Wheeeeeee!), the convention line-up is solidifying. I’ve added Awesome-Con, Otakon, and Baltimore Comic-Con to the convention schedule.

The pages for the next vignette by Robin Childs are starting to roll in. You all are in for a treat.




    ‘When all else fails. Use fire.’


      “Of course you should fight fire with fire. You should fight everything with fire.” —Jaya Ballard, task mage.


    Jassart, you done goofed.

    that guy

    I have no worries, Jassart is the kind of guy who can talk a manitou into one crazy scheme after another. Wouldn’t be the first time.


      If I recall, Snow figured out Jassart’s bullshit pretty quickly and reacted in consequence. TTS is both more powerful and…volatile than the daughter of Winter.


    Oh, wow! I actually wrote that tongue-in-cheek, deliberately in opposition to what I thought for sure would happen. That’s really funny.

    Sorry I made your incision hurt though! I’ll try to keep the predictions to a minimum for a few weeks here. :)

      If a reader guesses something, good for them! I’m not going to rewrite the story to make the reader wrong, like Lost. Instead, I’ll say kudos. Now just because the readers figure something out early, doesn’t mean the characters will.


        Oh, I wasn’t trying to imply that! (And kudos for sticking by what you’ve decided on.) I just thought that for sure something dramatic would happen, so I wrote something anticlimactic as a joke. :)


    Even a novice like Jassart should have figured out a phoenix-like manitou needed fire to resurrect.


    Ooh? Now that we see it does do something, and is perhaps dangerous, I can only wonder why did it almost seem as if Cienan wanted Jassart to have that? Will this be some sort of test for Mathilde or something?


      My first thought was that Cienan likes shit-stirring! He’s a bit of a trickster-like figure. But it could just be that he can deduce or predict what this will lead to, and that in turn fits his plans… whatever those are!

      Or a test, yeah.

    larry putnam

    That was a good idea, righ?.


    Well, that got a reaction out of it!

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