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Chapter 15 Page 15

June 5th, 2017

Chapter 15 Page 15

Pieter just identified himself as an alchemist, and Snow-by-Night has had bad experiences with alchemists. To see how this is going to go down, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

I have some news about upcoming events. I’m pushing the Patreon launch back to this fall when we have enough buffer to give Patrons a good-sized lead as to what’s going up on the website.

I am also planning out the Volume 3 Kickstarter, which I expect to launch toward the end of July. I’m doing the layout for the book now and it looks fabulous! It will also include a book-only vignette by the incredible Tangent Artists team. I’ll let you know more about this as things finalize.

AwesomeCon in DC is in just over 2 weeks. Steph and I will be there with books  and some new prints done by Amanda Gomes! Come by and say hello!




    I like Pieter’s blunt realism.
    Straight forward. I like that.


    Quick, Blaise! Tell Snow that she’s pretty when she’s angry! Wait, that might not work until she finds her heart. Nevermind! Don’t say anything that might get Pieter killed! Better yet, don’t say anything at all! :D


    I think Pieter’s honesty is about to be assessed. If he’s sincere about being a basically benign person (which Snow is testing by assuming a threatening stance?), then I suspect Snow will give him some benefit of the doubt.

    It will be interesting to see how their relationship develops, given that they are both natural philosophers of a sort – traveling paths motivated by a conscious desire to uncover a more profound understanding about the world/themselves.


    Yes, Blais, that would have been the polite thing to do, but given circumstances the polite thing is not always the wise thing.

    “perhaps by accident” points for honesty:)


    “I’m more of a mender than a render.”
    That’s a great line. :) I’m liking Pieter more and more here.

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