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The Lake Page 10

September 27th, 2017

The Lake Page 10

Paws-Tread-Lightly is true to his nature. Even in a dream that is more than a dream. On the next page, Snow seeks more wisdom from an unexpected source. See for yourself when you vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics!

A huge thanks to our patrons who are making this possible! If you like Snow by Night, please consider backing our Patreon! If we get enough pledges, I’m making the jump to 3 updates a week.

Mythmakers (my indie publishing house for Snow by Night) is sponsoring Indigenous Comic Con in November! It’s going to be a fantastic show. Come get your Indigenerd on!


    Hmmm, I thought Snow didn’t have emotions … and yet she is clearly carrying a torch for Blaise!


    I am now pretty damn certain this is Snow’s spirit quest. The thing about spirit quests… is you can fail them. She hasn’t really resolved the trapper, trying first to destroy it, then to run away from it. I hope Paws can help Snow, but how much aid is Paws allowed to give?


    His expression in that second panel is really great.

    that guy

    Seems like there might be a small typo in the last bubble, if I see right.


    Indeed, winter has fire…as does winters daughter. But it is a cold fire buried deep within and it burns worse than any flame.

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