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Chapter 16 Page 12

November 20th, 2017

Chapter 16 Page 12

Mathilde and Jacqueline are sleuthing through the streets of Sherbourg. Perhaps after this adventure, they’ll open up their own detective agency and solve mysteries….

Find out what Jassart and Vivienne are up to on the next page when you vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics!

Oh man, we’re at 10 days to go on our Volume 3 Kickstarter and we’re not half way yet. This is going to be close. I’ve announced a new incentive! Jordan Kotzebue of Hominids is making a wallpaper for all backers of the Digital Tale tier and higher! He’s amazingly talented so you’ll want a copy of that. Tell your friends and help spread the word! And my thanks to everyone who already pledged! You’re awesome!





    I would SO read a spinoff comic about Jacqi and Mathilde solving supernatural mysteries.


    And eventually *we* will know the how and why!


    She should follow Cienan’s lead and keep things like this on the down low – there’s no reason to be telling Jacqi exactly why she’s holding a candle. Eventually, it leads to unpleasantness.


    Start a detective agency? If they live that long…


    OK, it’s not just the lighting then, Mathilde’s eyes are glowing.

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