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Chapter 16 Page 14

November 27th, 2017

Chapter 16 Page 14

Vivienne has cold feet while Jassart thinks Talons is hot stuff. What will become of this lukewarm reception? Will Viv give Jassart the cold shoulder? What about their hot-and-heavy relationship? These and more bad puns are forecast for Snow by Night… And vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics to get a sneak peak!

KICKSTARTER FINAL DAYS! There are just 3 days left in our Volume 3 Kickstarter! We just crossed $6,000! We in the home stretch and we need your help to get there! Please back us today and get a great book along with oodles of great rewards!





    To prove it to him take the gun off your back and wave it around a few times, if the bird follows it, tell him that the bird will prevent you from leaving with it through him. If right then point Viv, if wrong, easy exit.


    Sawwwww this coming. Better leave on your own, Viv, before Hotwings gets mad.


    M. LeBlanc has listened to the wrong stories. Too bad he hasn’t heard how when the settlers returned to this site, they found the settlement of the hostile tribe living here burned out and mysteriously deserted. Wonder what could have caused that?


    I’m with Jassart on this one. Yet another noble trying to keep themselves above the rest, which is the main source of his anger – and fans the flames in his spirit. Viv is unintentionally feeding Talons that way. Suppose that’s one way to sate it’s hunger.

    She should know Jassart by now. No way he’d give this up. Best course of action is to direct the fire to where it won’t burn herself.


    The way Talons is hovering next to Jassart when the later speaks seems to represent the manitou’s influence over him.
    Not that Jassart needed any at this point to go full Anakin.


    I think the fire is feeding their anger and they in turn are feeding the fire.


    The artwork is hot! I love the composition as well as the colors, on the small scale as well as the full-page effect.


    Jassart, you may be right and still mad.


    Ok, this is stonecold! Viv, Haven’t you figured out that it will be a cold day in hell before Jassart listens to someone besides himself!

    well, at least ONE flame has died today!


    Well, the situation is getting heated. As for Viv’s cold feet, I’m sure Talons-That-Are-In-Flames would make an excellent foot warmer.


    As much as I actually dislike Viv, in this case she is right you flew over the fire bird nest. Apparently that explosion knocked the last few screws right out of the threading. I am curious though if someone dies in your spirit world, does their body stay there?

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