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Chapter 16 Page 21

December 20th, 2017

Chapter 16 Page 21

I’m sure you all have break ups that were spectacularly bad. I have one friend who was dumped while on vacation in Laos and had to hitchhike home. I figure break ups in fantasy settings could be even more drastic. “I got dumped in the middle of the Astral Plane….”

I have a Christmas present for everyone! We will be doing an extra page update this week. So look for page 22 around noon on Friday!

Vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics to see a sneak peak of that page.

After that, Snow by Night is taking a short break for the holidays. We need a couple weeks to spend time with our families and build the buffer back up. We won’t be posting from Dec 25 through Jan 5. The next page (after Friday) is Jan 8!



    Nothing like a good game of Chutes & Ladders!

    Crystal Thurber

    OMG!! I just discovered this comic a couple days ago and binge-read the whole thing!!! Love the story and the artwork!


    “I told you so.”

    —- every dad, everywhere


    Fair’s fair… Viv had been warned she was playing with fire when it came to Jassart. Bet she wasn’t expecting to get burned so literally though… *grin*

    Can’t really blame her. Jassart was… *badmtss* … hot.

    Cpt. Deadeye

    She feels singed from this relationship.
    Yeah! An extra page! I applaud your dedication.

    Anonymous Pie

    You should pick your men better, dearie.


    Geez Viv, what part of “This guy is serious trouble, stay away from him” did you not understand?

      I think she understood that just fine. I suspect it’s why she was into him. Now she gets to re-learn that choices always have consequences.


      I think she was under the impression that she could handle any amount of trouble, and underestimated just how *much* trouble Jassart can be.

        Introverted Chaos

        To be fair to Viv, Jassart just got mixed up in a kind of trouble she couldn’t have possibly imagined could exist.


          Outside context trouble.


          They were chasing after the Aether of a Manitou together, that they already knew was unstable and dangerous, and she didn’t even think of the possibility of something like this happening? Of course she didn’t….

          And it’s not like Jassart has made a habit of betraying people when something better comes along… Oh, wait….


    Sounds like a bad day, then.


    Well, look at the upside, Vivienne – you had a nice cushy sand pile to slide down and you aren’t a charcoal briquette, so at least you still have options. :)

    Introverted Chaos

    “You dumped me while we were fighting demons in the Worldwound!”
    “It looks like you got back out just fine.”
    “It took three years and a Resurrection spell!”

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