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Enduring Earth Page 3

February 19th, 2018

Enduring Earth Page 3

Dream, Jacqui. You must dream.

Speaking of dreaming, vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics to see who arrives on the next page!

My thanks to everyone who supported the Webcomic Storybundle last week! I’m super proud to have been included in it and also to help raise money for a worthy charity. Thank you all!



    If she even dreams at all certain drugs used for surgery can just live a big black spot for the time you were under no dream, just you fell asleep and suddenly you are awake again.


      The most likely analogue at their technology level is probably poppy juice, so morphine in effect. I managed to dream the full-on Alien chest-burster scene in first person while on IV morphine a couple of years ago. Not my favourite dream ever.


    Ye olde sleepy juice.


    I hate to be the Debbie Downer, but I don’t think the kind of dreams Jaqui will be much of a pleasant escape from her situation.

    Introverted Chaos

    I think Viv has a lot of harsh realities sinking in in panels 2, 3, 4.

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