Chapter 2 Page 10
August 9th, 2011Almanac References: Belle, Bertrande Grusseau
Chapter 2 Page 10 is up. The boys lay out their trap in the museum. I’m sure everything will go perfectly according to plan without any snags at all.
Snow by Night will be attending Baltimore Comic Con on August 20-21. We’re in the Artist Alley at table A123. Pretty easy to remember, huh? That’s good, because we’re listed under my name (Eric Menge) instead of Snow by Night. I’ll have to get that straightened out for next year. Anyway, we’ll have the beautiful chapter 1 books, character buttons, chibi buttons, and the very popular quote buttons (“And Bees” and “Scallywag” are our most popular).
On a different topic, I learned some new techniques for creating word balloons from some of the artists at Otakon. I tried them out last week and really liked the results. So I went back and redid the balloons for all the pages in chapter 2. A peculiar thing happened while I was redoing Page 8. Blaise started whispering in my ear. He had an idea for new dialog on the last two panels. I tried to tell him that I wasn’t redoing language, just the balloons, but he was very insistent. “Come on,” he said, “It’ll be funny. And it works better than what you have now.” I glared at him over that last bit, but he was right. So I added in the new lines. Jassart heard about it and demanded a new line too. Then Cienan’s maid jumped on the bandwagon. Gah, I opened the floodgates. These characters are getting out of hand.
Talk of characters whispering in author’s ears reminds me of an old radio series called “Romantic Friction”.
If you’re interested see:
I wish thee luck in Baltimore! (and the traveling between there and home)
Thank you all. I’m setting up the hotel room for Intervention in September. So if you can’t make it to Baltimore, we’ll be down in Washington DC the following month. After that, I’ll have to look for other conventions.
Oh, I got the vote incentive up on Top Web Comics. Blaise is up to things as usual. The next two pages are Diane’s favorite in the entire chapter. I can see why, but I like Jassart’s meeting with Bertrande more.
Of COURSE this will go perfectly. Doesn’t every plan in fiction and RPGs?
Have a blast at the con!
First of all…no snags? Those two? Thou makest me laugh! ;)
Secondly…I know how it goes with characters taking on a mind of their own…Fun isn’t it?
Third…Good luck in Baltimore!!!!!