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Chapter 2 Page 7

July 31st, 2011

Almanac Reference: Templetown

Chapter 2 Page 7 is up. Brittany and I just got back from Otakon this afternoon. It was an amazing weekend. We met a lot of great people and sold many books and buttons. I’ll have a more complete con report for the Wednesday update. For now, I’m going to go sleep for 20 hours.

*Edit* For a great Blaise facial expression, please vote for us on Top Web Comics. heh heh. Blaise is so much fun.




    I saw a picture you did of Rachel Brice(Belly Dancer) on Deviantart and we were hoping that we could use it for a new Tribal Dance Troupe we are starting up? We have taken several workshops from Rachel and would be honored to have her on our Flyers


      I have no problem with the use of the image so long as it is not for re-sale. However, I would see if you can get in touch with Rachel Brice and get her permission for using her likeness. I’m not sure if there are possible legal implications for not asking.

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