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Chapter 5 Page 23

December 18th, 2012

So what happens when you shoot a manitou? You make her really angry. See it unfold onĀ Chapter 5 Page 23. To see Brittany’s sketch for this page, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

This is our last page before our holiday break. There is an almanac entry this Friday (I’m thinking about discussing gunpowder). Starting next week, we will have holiday sketches up on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. So stop by and see what Naty, Brittany, and Sunny have put together. It’s delightfully festive. Pages resume on January 7!

One last thing, we got a review from Comic as part of their Webcomics Wednesday. They called us high class!


    Poetically Psychotic

    Uh oh.

    Ah, violet eyes better than Liz Taylor’s.

    I think Laurent should get another gun and use it on himself. That would likely be less painful thOn NCIS: “Ziva, what would you do if a man tried to assault you?” “After I tortured him until he cried like a baby, I’d castrate him.”

    I predict that would be rather nice compared to what Snow is going to do to Laurentat what Snow is about to do to him.

    Uh yeah, that was super effective there guy. She was conjured from snow…did you really think a bullet would affect her like a normal person?


    This is NOT going to go well for Laurent. Not well at all…


    Uh oh. I sense an avalanche incoming. :o


    Ooooo boy. Time to run for the bunker…


    i’ve read the comic since the beginning, and let me say this page wins most bad-ass comic of the day award. Snow moves from disbelief to full out rage in 3 seconds flat. Bad-ass. Awesome comic, love it to pieces!

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