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Chapter 5 Page 5

September 4th, 2012

Almanac References: Maison, Nightwork, Ouah

Chapter 5 Page 5 is up. Mathilde goes to see Blaise. We haven’t seen Blaise’s apartment yet so we’re in for a treat. I hope you can hear the Jaw’s theme music when you read this page because the sharks are circling Blaise. To see a preview of next Monday’s page where Mathilde makes a discovery, vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics. And now, I’ll hand things over to Diane for a huge announcement.

TAH-DAH! The Snow by Night Store is finally here! It took quite a bit of code wrasslin’ and some sharp shootin’ against tricky e-store sites to get us here, so I hope you enjoy the fruits of our labor. In the store, you’ll find the first three chapters in wonderful full-color print, prints of each of the main characters and the cool alchemical gun, as well as a dozens of buttons. Those prints come in a variety of sizes so be sure you’re looking at the size you want when you order. The colonial slang buttons are some of our best sellers at conventions.

I spent most of the long weekend sick in bed, and I’m still a bit wobbly, but it’s a happy relief to be able to finally share the Store with you.If you notice any errors or bugs in the site code, please do point them out to me so I can fix them. I’ve scoured the site myself, so hopefully that’s a non-issue, but when you’re manually updating hundreds of pages, human error can catch you unawares.


    Scott M

    Yay, a star for me. :-) Blaise looks somewhat familiar too, but him I can’t place. Nor the ladies.

    Scott M

    Someone probably said something like this when you first posted the portraits, but this is handier, so – the portrait version of Jassart reminds me of Labyrinth-era David Bowie. Was he a reference, or is that coincidence?


      Gold star! Erin (the artist) did use Jareth from Labyrinth as a model. As well as Draco Malfoy from the Potter movies. No one said anything like this when I posted the portraits.


    Aieee! I miss one update, and you open the store while I’m gone?!


    Cmon Blaise, the fact that she is being nice to you should send up alarms.


    To quote ‘Clever girl.’

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