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Losing by Winning Page 8

November 13th, 2012

Almanac Reference: Gloire, Governor General

Losing by Winning concludes today with Page 8 of the vignette. Vivienne learns there are consequences to her words and her family’s future is solely in the new world. My thanks to Sunny for a fantastic job on this vignette. She stepped up and got all the pages done a month ahead of schedule all while dealing with Sandy and its aftermath. Thank you so much, Sunny.

To see her sketch for this page, vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

In other news, I’m back from Florida and getting caught up on everything that stacked up while I was gone. I’m going to try to have the convention photos from Nekocon up on our Facebook page this Friday. Brittany already uploaded some photos from Anime USA. I’ll see if she has any more.



    Reading from the beginning for the first time. An very interesting story with wonderful art!

    One question/comment if I may: If the ladies in this vignette are unmarried, should they not be addressed as Madiomselle rather than Madame?

    Either way I look forward to reading all the way through!


      Yes, Jean-Henri (Viv’s dad) should have addressed Marguerite as Mademoiselle and not Madame in this flashback. In the current time, she is now married so I had her down as a Madame.

    On the upside, by going to the Colonies, they miss out on the beheadings in France.


    Aha, so she did win the pistols then? By their positions in a panel before the shooting I determined that she’d be the one on the left, but I knew that they wouldn’t necessarily have maintained those relative positions until the end.

    And the title did imply that she’d win the contest and lose something of bigger importance. Though now the title implies that she won the ‘game’ of coming up with more stinging insults, since that was the ‘win’ that made her father lose the real deal.


    Wow, what a twist! Bravo, guys. This was a great story!

    Perhaps there is another lesson here, too. A loss in the present, even a large one, is often a gain in the future. Aradie may well become as important in the world as Saronne and Vivienne’s family will be well -positioned to reap the rewards.


      As Snow-by-Night would say: “Anything is possible.” I can share that Vivienne plays a crucial role at the conclusion of this story.

    I am very impressed by way this particular vignette ended up – no real happy ending by any standards. A true lesson to be learned!

    Hope all is well, and I am looking forward to catching the updates as they occur! :D

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