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Chapter 6 Page 12

March 24th, 2013

Almanac References: Snowfall, Zenosday

Diane and I just got back from Zenkaikon. It was a fun little convention in Pennsylvania. I’ll get a con report up by Wednesday.

Mathilde helps Snow-by-Night pick a dress to wear for the opera on Chapter 6 Page 12. What do you wear for a night on the town when you’re a manitou? See a sneak peek by voting for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

So many votes in our Art Contest. The competition was really fierce and all the contenders are incredibly talented. I want to thank Minuiko, Rein Eire, Melissa Teo, and Jesse Bechtold for entering. I’ll be in touch later this week about your prizes. And congratulations to Laura Hollingsworth, Cristina Marin, Amasugiru, and Shawna Alkira! They are now in our Final Four. Vote for your favorite daily to get them into the championship next round.



    Pretty awesome that she can change appearance at will. And if jassert betrays blaise I swear he’s going on my least liked character list :-/


    Well that’s interesting. You may need to fix the comment boxes to be seperate from the left and right scrolling on the rest of the page. The above was typed out on and for the last page.


      Yes, we’re looking into a way to allow arrow keys to work just in the comment section. We haven’t had any luck. We might have to take off the “arrow through the pages” feature.


    I really hope nobody Claps in that house. The consequences could be explosive

    The Dark Ferret

    Hmm. Looks like you’ve revamped the site? I had your comic bookmarked, and then one day I got a 404 error on the link. Took a little digging to track down the comic again. DON’T DO THAT! ;)


      Yes, we shifted over to php to make it easier to update. You must have bookmarked The main page is unchanged. I recommend bookmarking there.


      Oooo, that’d be a sad-sad loss!

      I have to say, I’m really liking the new site. I miss the teasers still, but the clean layout makes it easier to mourn and harder to regret.

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