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Chapter 6 Page 27

May 19th, 2013

Blaise and Snow-by-Night bound across the rooftops of Sherbourg on Chapter 6 Page 27. To see a glimpse of what awaits them on the next page, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

Brittany and I will be attending Animazement this weekend. We’re at table M24 on this handy dandy map of Artist Alley. We won’t have a new page on Monday in observance of Memorial Day.

Last week, I added Snow by Night to Tapastic in an effort to reach more people, and has it been successful. Tapastic even featured us on their front page. If you have a moment, please visit our series page on Tapastic and give Snow by Night a rating. The higher our rating, the more notice we’ll get over there.



    Just an FYI: the link to page 27 on your Table of Contents doesn’t go to this page. I keep getting this error:

    404: Page not found
    This error is generated when there was no web page with the name you specified at the web site.

    Troubleshooting suggestions:

    Ensure the page you are linking to exists in the correct folder.

    Check your file name for case sensitivity . Index.htm is not the same as index.htm!

    Temporarily disable any rewrite rules by renaming your .htaccess file if it exists.

    I can reach this page by going to page #26 and hitting the “next” button. Thought you should know so you could fix it. :)

    I’m torn as to whether or not Blaise will miss the jump. I’m sure he and Jassart have made such leaps before while running from a job they’ve done. Problem is, the plot might be better served if he does miss it.


    Whoah. Snow-By-Night’s movements don’t disturb the snow but Blaise’s does. :O


      I’d respond, “Of course not, do you disturb yourself?” but given that we’re both reading a fantasy webcomic I suspect the answer is obvious.


      I suspect that Blaise is about to disturb the snow quite a lot when he misses that jump.


        And the question is, will that disturb Snow? (Oh my, in my household I’m allowed one pun a month.) We know a bit about the medicinal powers of ether–hmmm . . . an opportunity for altruism here?

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