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Chapter 7 Page 3

July 16th, 2013

Laurent expresses equal parts pity and condescension for Jassart in Chapter 7 Page 3.  Or maybe it’s mostly condescension. Either way, Laurent’s walking away from that bad hand. To see a preview of page 4, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

Brittany and I are back from Connecticon. It was a fun convention. It’s always great to meet other creators and Connecticon had a lot of them. I’ll upload some photos from the convention to our Facebook page later this week.

Oh, great news! In addition to Snow by Night, I’m a freelance writer for Wizards of the Coast, where I write for Dungeons & Dragons. The book I wrote for them last year Menzoberranzan: City of Intrigue is nominated for three different ENnies awards, including Product of the Year. They’ll announce the results at GenCon. Wish me luck!



    Hey, that’s great news! I refuse to wish luck, you deserve this, so: success!


      Aw. Thanks, Greg! Good luck with the Geek Chic furniture this year at GenCon. Unfortunately, I’m not going to be able to make it. It’s the weekend before Otakon, which is my biggest convention of the year. Back-to-back weekends is really hard on the husband points.


    Good luck with those ENnies!

    I only have the old AD&D Menzoberranzan box, which I bought at a 50% discount at some RPG convention a long time ago. I always thought of it as some kind of D&D Eldorado – a mythical city of promise. Never actually used it for anything.


      Thank you! We’re up against some tough competition from some other talented creators.

      The old AD&D Menzo purple box set was our foundation for our book. That box was out of print for 20 years or so and so much has happened since then. We spent as much time researching all the lore as writing the book.

    I think something’s wrong with your RSS feed. Haven’t been getting notices since the 11th about updates.


    It was most awesome to meet you guys at ConnectiCon, and thanks for signing my jacket. ;) I am now officially caught up and loving the story! It’s now on my favorites list. Hope to see you again at Otakon!


      Thank you for stopping by. It’s great meeting people at conventions and soaking up the energy at a convention. The whole gang will be at Otakon – Diane, Brittany, and me.


    Making deals with beings you cannot fully understand is, in general, a bad idea.
    Trying to trick them and/or break your side of the bargain is ALWAYS a bad idea.


    I feel like “gotta know when to walk away from a bad hand” is also a comment on Jassart and his manitou-tricking game.

    PS: Typo in “ouais”.

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