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Chapter 8 Page 17

February 10th, 2014

Blaise makes a hasty exit on Chapter 8 Page 17, as the binding circle collapses in itself with nothing to contain. I’m rather happy with the sound effects on this page. The BZAAAAT took several different layers with masks and opacity to work it in right. To see what’s become of Jassart and Bertrande, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics. We’re in the top 15! Wow. We’ve never been this high before. Our thanks to all of you!

An update on our Art Contest! We’ve decided to adopt a theme for this year’s contest. The theme is Alchemy! Submissions should have at least one Snow by Night NPC  and something to do with alchemy. We’re taking a broad view of Alchemy. It can be alchemical theory, processes, the elements, or anything else alchemical related. I’ll even consider astronomy to be part of Alchemy because of the strong influences that the planets have on alchemy. To see what people did last year, check out last year’s Art Contest archive.

Katsucon is this weekend. I’ll be there Friday and Sunday. Brittany will be there all three days. Books, buttons, and prints! Come by and get some merch and wacky conversation.

Brittany and I were interviewed on TGT on Saturday. You can see the interview on YouTube. Brittany is awesome, while I’m showing off my collection of old maps. Kurt, the interviewer, is a great guy and was a lot of fun to talk to.


    Simone Li

    Wow these last few pages have been something else! I love the look of desperation on Blaise’s face and on page 16, Jassart’s face-full of shock and hurt that Blaise chose Snow is just-hmmmmasdfjaergldiu delicious. The art and lighting are amazing as always, and good work on these pages! (I can kind of guess the road that Jassart is going to take after this, and it saddens me a bit, unless it the other path that I see. Then that makes me extremely super happy and yay character development amiright? Even though Jassart is being stupid and irrational, I’d like to remind everyone that he is just a small child (no longer a baby), maybe a teen, and children his age make stupid decisions (I know. I myself am one), so if teens and small children can get away with it, then he should too! After all, he *is* only a character, so no need to get so worked up about it!)
    Thank you all so much, and I wish you all a great day!


    I hope Snow’s okay!

    I get the impression the authors are about to spend their entire special effects budget in the next couple of pages.


    Thaaat…does not look good.

    Have a rock



    Run Blaise run!!! And get as far away from Jassart as you can!

    Ugh, can’t believe I thought so highly of that rat.


    Well, you have all the reason to be up there in the ranks! These last updates are really amazing and fast paced. Really good work, keep up!

    B. R. Ashley

    Topwebcomics is down for maintenance … darnit.


    Binding circle collapsing?
    Huh. I thought it might have been all Snow’s left-behind ether suddenly exploding faster than the safety rating of the binding circle. Muah-hahahahha…

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