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Chapter 9 Page 13

September 2nd, 2014

Scene shift! Ald has important business with one of his chief informants on Chapter 9 Page 13. His chief informant is who? Really? To see his informant giving him some backtalk, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comic.

Oh, do you see the banner at the top? One of Snow by Night’s fans published a book — Sword of the Bright Lady. It’s the story of an engineer who falls into another world and another time. My father is an engineer so I’m looking forward to this. Please check it out.


    Viola Caprice

    I’ve gotta say, the art in that last panel is some of my favorite so far…much as I don’t like Jassart, he makes a pretty picture. :P

    La Vieja

    Discovered this only a couple of days ago and spent all my lunchbreaks catching up. I just love the art and the storyline, and I really appreciate all the work you’re doing with even creating and updating an almanach regularly. And now I have to wait for updates – sigh…


    I just started reading this today. Fascinating! However, I like following webcomics by their RSS feed and yours seems to be broken. Please fix your RSS feed.


      We’re working on it. There’s a coding error that Diane and Steph are tracking down. Hopefully, we’ll have it running soon.

    The relations between the constabulary and the rooks in Sherbourg do seem rather intertwined, even (for lack of a better term) socially incestuous.


    Ah, who else but Mathilde? She’s a perfect informant!


    I’m starting to hate Jassart more and more. His own petty jealousy lead to his injuries and that lady’s death when they attempted to murder Snow. And instead of coming clean like he should and admitting that it wasn’t Blaises fault, he’s perpetuating a lie. But that’s okay. Karma comes back ten fold, and when it collapses in on him I am not going to feel one iota of sympathy for him. Because he will deserve EVERYTHING that comes his way.


      Ah, but for once in his life, Jassart has the facts and the law on his side: He and Bertrande were performing a business transaction when Blaise burst in and burnt the place down. Omitting the sentient aether source might change things up a bit, but I’m not sure it would make a good defense: “I was trying to save the snow spirit that I fell in love with! I had to rip the eyes from her head and the energy flux started the fire. See? Here are her eyes!”


        I wonder if a manitou has any status at all in the eyes of the law, any more than say a cow or a tree. If it doesn’t count as a person, then you can’t be charged with murdering it. I’m not putting this forward as a defence before people start throwing rotten fruit.

        M. LeBlanc probably doesn’t want to mention Snow because that might lead to awkward questions about that big heist when she was seen escaping. But perhaps Mathilde will take this opportunity to shop her ex. A woman scorned and all that.


        I don’t disagree. But just having that all on his side means nothing. Jassart is one of those people that can have all the cards and still lose. And it’s starting to look that way. Even if Blaise DOES get caught.

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