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Chapter 9 Page 5

August 3rd, 2014

We met back with Blaise in Ville Marcelet on Chapter 9 Page 5. News of the warrant has reached the small town, forcing Blaise to make a difficult choice. To see what Blaise buys at the Wilderness Provisions shop, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

Otakon is mere days away. We’re working frantically to get everything ready. You can find us at Table L-06.
Otakon Map

We’ll be unveiling our new prints of Sailor Scouts in 18th century naval uniforms, drawn by Amanda Gomes of Ianua.
Mercury and Mars



    Ooh, I just love that 4th panel – Blaise’s face flushed from the cold. Nice detail!

    There’s a real sense of loneliness about Blaise conveyed well by this chapter so far. Look forward to seeing how he might get Snow back.


    Poor Blaise. It’s sad how quick his friend and partner was to throw him to the wolves, even while knowing what happened was his own fault and the fire was purely accidental.


      agreed. blaise has a backstabbing friend who is not worthy – there is no way jassart can continue to justify his actions by claiming he’s just looking out for poor misguided blaise. i’ve made mistakes like this before when choosing friends, even THOUGH i usually don’t choose thieves.


    “They just can’t get my nose right!”

    Captain Cutlass

    Might want to fix the sign in the last panel. Slight typo there, I’m afraid. ^^;


      Whoops. This is what I get for going back and forth between Illustrator and PS to decide how to do that SFX. Fixed!

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