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Chapter 1 Page 19

March 8th, 2011

Well, this is embarrassing. I can’t count.

My journal from last week said I was posting page 19. I wasn’t. I was posting page 18. I’ve gone back through and renumbered the journal entries. So…. please enjoy the real Page 19. Brittany and Ricky have done a fabulous job on it.

In other news, Intervention has accepted Snow by Night’s application for a table. We will be there in September, and we will have the first chapter book printed by that time. Make plans to come see us! Also, there is a new incentive picture on Top Web Comic. Please vote for us.



    Okay then Ezio.


    That movement is spectacular! And it’s made even better by their reactions


    I am in love with your backgrounds,very good composition, and details. Oh I love the small things :]


    Outstanding! Love the subtlety of the action.

    It’s nice to see the different skill sets for Blaise and Jassart being revealed. I imagine had that been Jassart at the tavern, the scenario would have played out much differently. Although, it may have nothing to do with skills. When around him long enough, Blaise could be the type of personality that screams, “I bet you can’t hit me from 5 yards with that mug, knife, oyster shell, (what could possibly be next).” :)


    I’m sure that guy in blue could do that. If he wanted. :-D

    Ha ha! That’s just plain AWESOME!!


    Great display of artistry and composition in the first panel! I also enjoyed the journal and Almanac entry on oysters, such an unctious muse inspired this.

    There once was a bivalve who fancied a tickle,
    Who met an octopus with with many a tentacle.
    They began a romance,
    Indescribable in any parlance,
    That even Cthulu went insane at the spectacle!

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