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Chapter 10, Page 17

March 1st, 2015

Vivienne and Jassart begin working through all those reference works in the library on Chapter 10, Page 17. Or at least Vivienne is. Jassart seems to be studying extracurriculars. They also have a bit of a discussion about Cienan. Any conversation about Cienan is always fun. To see what Jassart and Vivienne discuss next, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

We got a lot of stuff done for the Kickstarter campaign over the last week. I got the rewards mapped out and the language for the Kickstarter page done. Steph Stober of Final Arcanum is helping me out with the video. It’s going to be pretty sweet. That should be done this week and hopefully we’ll have a launch next Monday. Weeeeeee, so excited.


    Dennis Rockwell

    Love the comic timing!


    I think this is Cienan’s main problem: he’s such a scary guy that no one wants to deal with him. Of course, it doesn’t help that he would rather skin the sheep than sheer it.


    Is that festival that Snow by Night came in contact with the horse still going on at this time? Between That and the raven they may just stumble on to one.


      That was a one-night celebration at the end of the year. So that’s not still ongoing. I should write up more holidays for the people of Sherbourg. Celebrations make life fun.


        I liked the festival – the candle-lighting was really cool. Would be lovely to see what else you can come up with!

    Introverted Chaos

    Well-delivered punchline, you guys.

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