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Sings-to-Moon lures the firebird into the caves on Page 7 of  A Berry from the Sun. You may have recognized Cape Adamant in this story. Or Cap Diamant, as it’s called in the real world. You might also know that there aren’t any caves in the cape. Again, you would be correct. That’s one of the reasons I went with fantasy. So there could be caves under that rock. To see a glimpse of what happens next, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.


    Mark Linimon

    Heh. I’ll probably be there next month. (I will be attending a conference in Ottawa again, and as usual before and after will spend time in Montreal and points east. Don’t tell the folks at Microbrasserie du Lac St-Jean I’m returning for another visit, I want to make it a surprise :-)


    The part about it being an origin story is still somewhat frightening, which I attribute to the great artwork. The fact that SOMEONE might get the hair-brained idea to go free the beast from under the mountain… much, MUCH more frightening!


    This looks to be an origin story. Every once in a while the trapped fire beast gets restless and the earth trembles, and even more rarely, it almost escapes . . .


    Suuure, the caves inside Cap Diamant are the only reason why this is fantasy and not documentary. ;-)

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