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Chapter 15 Page 7

May 3rd, 2017

Chapter 15 Page 7

We found the supplier of Defiant Elk’s books! Willem is a factor (a type of agent with a lot of autonomous authority) for his yet-to-be-introduced employer. Follow the money; even on the frontier.  The relationship of the Dutch… I mean Kleefish… and the natives was grounded in trade. Willem and Elk’s relationship is based on this reality.

Willem is Aphrike-Kleefish and comes from the Kleefish colonies in Antillia, which are sometimes called the Isles of Dread because of the horrific cruelty of the plantations, the wood-eating water worms, the heat, the storms, the insects, and the prevalence of malignant disease spirits that lurk there. That Willem is a factor in Zollhaven means he’s a long way from where he started.

Please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics to see what Willem is up to next!




    Antillia = Antilles, I presume?


    Nice of Elk to help his contact out like that.


    The author’s note is a great follow-up to today’s scene, thank you! It looks like the Dutch…err…Netherlands…err Kleefish colony is under martial law and at least one person has his wits about him enough to have an escape route planned. I hope he makes it!

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