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Chapter 3 Page 6

November 29th, 2011

Chapter 3 Page 6 is posted. The snow spirit makes her decision.

To see what becomes of that decision, vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics. We’re up to #112. That’s a new record for us. Only two more days to vote in November. Please think of us daily.



    If I were her, I would kick Jassart out of the room. :D

    I think they better both be careful, that circle of flames has been slowly and (rather subtly) dwindling.

    Good work with the art on that :)

    Ecirb Ray

    Jassart better be careful, if she keep this up winter’ll push him out of my favorites spot.

    ACK! One more quote….I WANT ON A SHRIT!!! :D Keep it up and I’ll be laughing off all the calories I eat during the holidays!!!


      Which quote? “You are a tiresome mortal.”? Also, would you prefer the shirt to just have the text or would you like to have a graphic on it? Say a picture of the snow spirit?

        of course that line! and maybe she can be pointing at someone like those “I’m with” shirts…I know a few people I would stand next to woth that shirt on ;D

        and actually, the first quote of “if at first you don’t sucecced, redifine sucess.” should be on a shirt for the person I’ll be standing next to


        If you decide to make shirts, I’m all for it. (I’ll start saving my pennies right now…)

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