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Chapter 6 Page 23

May 5th, 2013

The light is passed on from one colonist to the other, but Snow-by-Night sees something that is causing her some alarm on Chapter 6 Page 23.

I can’t really show you a preview from Wednesday’s page without ruining the surprise, so the vote incentive is the sketches that Brittany did when designing the vestments for the clergy of Giavere. To see the sketches, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

Oh, I just got official notice from the USPTO. They’ve approved our trademark application. So Snow by Night is now a registered trademark. Woo hoo!


    alexander hollins

    my guess? the unicorn herself is visiting.


    At first I thought Snow was scared about the flames, but then I noticed that she wasn’t looking at the candle. Then it clicked. :D


    I see it as alarm and awe.
    Giavere showing up?
    So, what happens when Snow by Night receives her light from Blaise?


    I actually got the alarm in her face, but its not something I would expect from Snow.


    Looks like worry to me. Nice work on the glow spreading through the crowd. I got what was happening immediately.

    Also cheers on the trademark!

    Squire James

    Actually, I was kind of guessing that it was some pent-up fear of all that fire, but I guess the author’s comment suggests it isn’t anything that obvious…


    Honestly, I wouldn’t have pegged Snow’s face as alarm, though it makes sense thereas. I was guessing ‘epiphany’… so much for being good at reading faces :D

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